Wastewater Treatment.

 Therefore, the importance of this study is mentioned as it is very important to investigate not only the availability of water but also the effective disposal of waste water. This study focuses on examining the current practices of wastewater treatment. 

Based on that, it has been mentioned that 93 procedures are being followed for collection and disposal of waste water in the study area, Ratnapura Municipal Council. The data for this study is collected from primary and secondary data sources. 

The annual sewage discharge during the study period in the study area is 4285M'. However, it is expected to double to 9870M³ by 2025. 

It is noted that in the study area there is a lack of proper technical processes for sewage management and during rainy season the wash water overflows from the Kanatola Sewage and reaches Kalugangai. 

It is also mentioned that Centralized Wastewater Treatment technology is being used in the sewage management in Ratnapura Municipality area. However, Centralized Wastewater

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