Waste water related issues and drainage management is a study focusing on Sainthamaruthu area

Chapter -01

Introduction to the study

1.1 Research Topic

Waste water related issues and drainage management is a study focusing on Saindamaruthu area

1.2 Gist of the study

It can be seen that various impacts are caused by the wastewater related problems in Saindamarudu area. In this case, the issues related to waste water management will be studied and the contribution and importance of drains in waste water management will be studied.

1.3 Introduction to the study

The availability of natural resources in the environment is under serious challenge due to the imbalances seen in the management of the environment leading to human existence and the fundamental concepts of "development". 

Thus, water is one of the main natural resources under challenge. As a result, the majority of the world's population is projected to face water scarcity in the future and it is important to use water responsibly and conserve existing water resources. 

The quality of water for human consumption is under serious threat due to various human activities and improper disposal of wastes. 

Wastewater should be treated as a sustainable and affordable resource rather than disposed of as "waste".

Accordingly, it is expected to focus on the importance of progressing Sri Lanka's wastewater management policy away from the position of treatment and disposal to treatment, reuse and disposal.

Among the various definitions presented for wastewater, the definition provided by the Free Dictionary is as follows; "Water that has been washed, removed from use and contains waste" is wastewater. (via -free dictionary, 2023)

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