This research paper is divided into five chapters through which the researched concepts are presented.

 1.7 Research Methodology: Research Framework and Research Methods

Study design

This research paper is divided into five chapters through which the researched concepts are presented.

Chapter Two

The findings will be explained in the second chapter.

Evening three

In chapter three the research methodology is explained. In that way, the methods of data collection, the method of data presentation and the techniques used to analyze the data will also be discussed. Chapter Nasku

Results and discussions related to the study will be presented in this section. Evening is five

are to be presented.

The fifth chapter deals with wastewater related challenges, solutions and conclusions

1.3 Interpretation tools and techniques

The socio-demographic characteristics of the collected data will be analyzed on the basis of descriptive charts and the quantitative data will be statistically analyzed. Further explanation is given through tables, explanations and pictures where necessary. Also software like Arc GIS, Microsoft Excel, Google Earth are used to analyze the data.

1.9 Data System

The study area is Saindamarudu area in Amparai district in Eastern province. As this study is research, the study will be conducted using a mixed method of qualitative method and quantitative method.

As the first step in the data collection method, interview is to be used in soil data collection method. Also questionnaire is to be used in quantitative data collection system.

1. Primary Data:

Data are collected through observation, interview, questionnaire and discussion techniques as primary data. A structured interview will be used during the interview.

2. Secondary Data:

Secondary data means that the data required for the study is obtained from studies and publications that have already been conducted. The study will be done by collecting from Divisional Secretariat reports, books, journals, previous studies and websites.

1.10 Scope of Study

This study is focused on Saindamarudu area and it will be carried out only on the importance of waste water and drainage system of the study area. It is also a limitation that this study is carried out within a certain period of time.

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