Research Framework and Research Methods Research Design

 1.7 Research Methodology: Research Framework and Research Methods Research Design

This research paper is divided into five chapters through which the researched concepts are presented.


Chapter One

Chapter one explains about the research proposal. That is, introduction of the study, research problem, study area, importance of the study, study objective, study methodology and the basic aspects of the study

1.6 Significance of the study

Ever since humans began to encroach on natural resources and overuse them, nature continues to be degraded by human activities. 

Based on this, water is being consumed in excess today and the sources of water are being polluted. Apart from that, too much water is discharged as sewage. 

Based on that, waste water is seen as one of the most important challenges affecting the sustainable development of cities. This sewage is seen as a huge problem that can lead to disaster in a sustainable city. Various adverse effects result from improper planning and management of wastewater. 

Therefore, this study is essential to bring out the necessity of sewage management in a specific city area.

This study will serve as an awareness for the general public and industrial owners by explaining the challenges faced by the specific area due to sewage and the pollution of the receiving water sources which will turn into sewage and the shortage of clean water in the future.

This study is important to lead to sustainable development of the study area city as this study provides appropriate sustainable micro level planning measures and the shortcomings of the existing management practices. Plays

This study is important to fill the gap of previous studies. This study is an example of how important micro-level planned sewage management is for urban development.

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