Municipal Wastewater using Salvinia molesta and Lemna gibba
This study suggests a Decentralized Wastewater Treatment technology system to solve the shortcomings of the treatment technology.
13. Abhayawardana al, (2019). "Removal of Heavy Metals and Nutrients from Municipal Wastewater using Salvinia molesta and Lemna gibba"
This study is based on Moratuwa Rathmalan Municipal Center. Based on this study, the potential of Salvinia and Lemna Gibba techniques for removal of selected metals from wastewater discharged in the study area was investigated.
High concentrations of nutrients and metals have been reported in wastewater from this region. Based on that, the pH, temperature, nitrate and ammonia concentrations of the water samples were subjected to analysis.
These i.e. waste water samples have been treated separately in technologies such as Molesta and Gibba. Based on that, five selected metals were purified in the above methods for 7 days and analyzed at intervals of 24 hours.
Through these analyses, it has been confirmed that metals and nutrients are found in the waste water discharged from Moratuwa Rathmalana Municipal Corporation.
Methods are recommended as best practices and their performance is evaluated. This study only addresses techniques for extracting metals from wastewater.