collection and treatment of toilet water in the residences is mentioned
Collection, separate collection and treatment of toilet water in the residences is mentioned. According to the study, fresh water consumption can be reduced by 80% by purifying water using these technologies. In view of the dramatically increasing scarcity of water, using efficient technologies to convert water into water suitable for reuse is a major need of the day.
For this, The vaccum/Bio Gas Concept, Central and Decentralized System, Reuse Oriented Process () has been mentioned.
My research paper is a bit more compatible with this research paper. Based on that, the techniques mentioned in this research paper have also been mentioned in my research when looking at the efficient basis of converting water into suitable for re-use.
Also, the techniques that are particularly suitable for Sri Lanka have been specifically explained in my research.
19. Nurul, (2012). "Potential of Decentralized wastewater management for urban development: Case of Bangkok" written by The results of the analysis show that decentralized wastewater management is a strategy for the sustainable development of the Bangkok area.
Due to the simple technology and limited costs, this management method is recommended for the new development of public and private assets in Bangkok.