Appropriate practices have been implemented in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
The project is in practice
has Appropriate practices have been implemented in Rajshahi, Bangladesh i.e. small boreholes for sewage management.
However, it can be seen from the results of the analysis that the techniques are not effective compared to the city of Kurunegala and there is not enough progress.
This study is found to be compatible with my study. In other words, since the plans and techniques of waste water management in both countries have been clearly analyzed and explained, the appropriate techniques for the study area can be partially selected based on the results of this study.
Also, this study explains the management activities of wastewater mainly released through agriculture.
In this respect, this study is different from my study. Based on this, my research has been carried out considering not only agricultural wastewater but also urban wastewater sources.
Vanrolleghem et al, (2005), βαπητού σαρχών "Modelling and real-time control of the integrated urban wastewater system" this study by clearly defining what is wastewater, the main aspect of my research "What is wastewater?" A better definition of the question is presented.
Based on that what is called an integrated urban sewage system is the integration of sewers and treatment plants.
Also in this study, the Water Framework Directive in the European Union aims to achieve a good environmental and chemical status of all surface waters.
Refers to It has been mentioned that integrated urban management is essential for its proper implementation.
And Real Time control (RTC) which is the best approach for this organized water management is mentioned as the methodology of their study.
And Emission Based Real Time control has been recommended as a valid tool to help meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.
In this study an emission based control strategy was developed with integrated model as well as an uncontrolled strategy and compared both.